When a mainstream publication like BusinessWeek does a story about web design, website usability, or the latest web technology, we in the web world get a little worried and begin reading right away.

The Top 10 Commandments of web design is a good read and I don’t object to any of them (phew!).  However, like most “commandments,” they aren’t so timely and sometimes this can make the design process with a client who read the article all the more difficult.

Daily we review our 40+ blog-buddy websites to hear what the latest is on Internet Marketing.  Or to hear if Google’s “Sandbox Effect ,” which is like the Bermuda Triangle for new web domains, has finally been addressed by the company.   We read what experts write, and listen to what experts say, but to be on the forefront of Search Engine Optimization and internet marketing, you have to walk your own path.

The “worry” stems from BusinessWeek’s contributors, and that they may play an overly conservative card.  You can see most contributors are executives from Fortune 1000 companies and are more concerned with quarterly forecasts, and proper PR than website usability.  And in some ways this is good, since we don’t want executives forecasting Google’s algorithm change — That’s for us to figure out 😉


BusinessWeek followed it up with a Best and Worst of the Web.  Again, mainstream sites including Amazon, Ducati & John McCain’s campaign website, but a great read for anyone with a tickle of interest in web design and the hours of consideration that goes into it.

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