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You’ve Been Hacked: Regaining Control of Your Social Media

protect your online identity
Are your friends, followers, and fans receiving weird, spammy messages? Is your profile picture of a woman you’ve never seen? Why are you all of a sudden trying to sell everyone weight loss shakes?

It’s not your fault, you have been hacked.

According to a Google Consumer Survey nearly one in five people have had an account compromised online. It happens to those who may not be careful and sign in from multiple computers, and it happens to the most secure of us, like it did for CIA Director John Brennan which was revealed on 60 Minutes last month.

Response time is everything when your accounts are compromised. You need to know why this might have happened, and what to do to arm your accounts against future hackers.

What to Do if You’ve Been Hacked

How Would Someone Hack Me?

Steps to Protect Yourself in the Future

It can be scary when your social media profiles are hacked, but you can regain control and makes steps so that your accounts are secure in the future.

Even though the world of social media may seem safe and innocent, be conscientious of your online activity to minimize your risk. If something online looks suspicious, be wary and listen to your gut. Taking these simple steps can help protect you in the future and make certain that you alone have control of your social media.

When it comes to legal marketing and social media management, we have you covered. Let us know how we can help!

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