When it comes to a content strategy for your blog, nothing matters more than writing unique content, being authoritative and getting creative. The combination of those aspects produces powerful content that will increase your ranking and readership, ultimately obtaining more clients for your firm.
Here are some more resources for finding content ideas for your blog, one from Lexblog and the other from Hubspot. Enjoy and get blogging.
I have been marketing law firms for over 13 years (okay, I just aged myself) and in that span, the landscape has changed dramatically. It used to be that you could rewrite a news story in your blog and be fine. Do you know that now, and this is a big one, your website can actually face negative results for doing this? That’s right. It has to do with Google Panda and the way the search engine algorithm identifies original and quality content. So let’s not beat around the bush and get to that list!
Here are 6 ideas that will make content on your legal blog stand out from the crowd, build a following and rank better:
- Storytelling is very powerful, if done well. Just as you do in the courtroom, convince your audience of a point using assertive and descriptive terminology. Paint a picture, and take readers along for a journey. For instance, recount the story of how you won a case and the gratification felt by the victims you represented.
- Cosmopolitan Magazine! What does Cosmo have to do with law firms’ content? Pick up a copy, and take a look at the cover. It is full of short catchy headlines and lots of list ideas. Cosmo readers don’t have to guess what the content has to offer; it’s clear, quick and compelling.
- Speaking of lists: lists are a catchy format for content. They are fast and easy to read, perfect for users on your website. Here is how you get a list out of my Cosmo example. Turn “9 Times You Won’t Burn in Hell for Being Bitchy” into “9 Ways in Which Being Stern with the Judge will Win Your Trial.” It’s a popular technique, as you can see in these results.
- You’re worldly, so dig deep. You are a distinguished lawyer and have lots of connections. Do you remember talking to a Senator or maybe even Bill Clinton? Surely your insights from an important meeting are best shared with your readers. Was there a quote that has left you thinking to yourself? Write it down and share.
- Show your community involvement. One of my favorite clients, Fried Rogers Goldberg in Atlanta, does a lot for their local community. They provide support to great organizations, provide free further education for local attorneys and also offer an annual scholarship for high school seniors. The law firm is at the pinnacle of social awareness. Hopefully your firm is like FRG. Whether you’re attending a local event, participating in some volunteer work or whatever, it’s an opportunity to talk to your neighbors. Remember those same neighbors are your next clients, so blog about being locally involved.
- Re-post a compilation of your best blogs. Once you have the knack of writing and you have a plethora of posts under your belt, a nice wrap-up of your top posts is warranted. Take your top posts using either the number of visitors, time spent on the page or number of comments to determine your winners.
You never know when a good idea will strike you. Make sure you always have handy your legal pad or, in my case, a Moleskine Cahier. Always write down your ideas!
The concepts are simple, but the results of their consistent application are boundless. If you don’t have time to regularly write effective blogs, let the Obu writing team take care of it for you.
Contact us today for more information at info@obuinteractive.com or call us directly at (619) 807-9654.